Answered By: AmyM
Last Updated: 20 Mar, 2024     Views: 301

The first thing to do is have a good look for it at home, and anywhere else you may have left it: in a car, a bag, under furniture or a pile of other books, at work, a friend's house, or university?
If you think you may have already returned it to one of the AUT libraries, let us know and we will search the shelves at all three campuses too.
After a month (or 2 days for 2-hour short loans; 7 days for 3-day loans), the status of the missing book will automatically change from 'overdue' to 'lost'. You will be emailed a bill for the replacement cost to your AUT email account. Until this is paid your library account will be blocked. You can pay at Student Hub Online.
Replacement charges will be wiped or refunded if a lost item is later returned in good condition. 
If you think the replacement cost is too much (for example, you have seen the book available elsewhere for a cheaper price) talk to AUT Library staff so we can check our suppliers. Alternatively you may provide a replacement copy yourself. It must be an identical item to the lost title (same edition) in new or very good condition. We recommend that you check with Library staff before purchasing. 

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